Monitoring a session

Admins and Managers can discreetly monitor invigilators and candidates live, whilst sessions are taking place using the monitoring feature.

This feature is only available for users with Institution or Enterprise level accounts.

Step 1 – Locate the correct session

Log into your MyExams Dashboard, and click the selected exam to open the Session Information Page.

A blue dot indicates that the session is open and the invigilator is present.

Step 2 – Start monitoring

Click ‘Start Session’, and then ‘You can monitor this session here’.

Finally, click ‘Start Monitoring’ to enter the specified session.  You should then enter the live session and be able to see and hear both the invigilator and any candidates who are present. They will not be able to see or hear you.

Note, as an Admin or Manager in MyExams, you can also choose to invigilate a session on behalf of your Invigilator.  To do this, click ‘Start Session’, then choose ‘You can open the live session as Invigilator Name here’.

Step 3 – Performing actions whilst monitoring a session

Whilst monitoring a session, you can perform certain actions to allow you to communicate with the invigilator and candidates. 

As an Admin or Manager monitoring a session you can:

  • Send and review messages to the invigilator via the side bar ‘My Messages’ button.
  • Send and review messages  to candidates via the chat messaging feature.
  • Add and review notes.
  • Take and review screenshots.
  • Edit and review the Attendance register.